Welcome to Cultural Games Association

C G A: Promoting Cultural Games & Sports In Ghana

 CGA is the only government-recognized organization mandated to research, develop and promote Ghana’s traditional sports and cultural events. The CGA is a diverse not-for-profit cultural events-centred sports agency whose cultural research activities support the development of traditional sports, and the promotions of cultural events. 


The Cultural Games Association

The Cultural Games Association (CGA) is duly registered with government of Ghana through the National Sports Authority (Ministry of Youth and Sports), National Commission on Culture (Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture) and the Registrar General’s Department (Ministry of Justice). CGA maintains its head office in Accra, Ghana, with its international representatives in many African and Western countries. CGA is the only government-recognized organization mandated to research, develop and promote Ghana’s traditional sports and cultural events.

Discover Cultural Games

The CGA is an extended traditional sports and games home to people with traditional game interest, elderly people who may easily access the CGA’s ‘‘sit-around’’ the table games and feel delight in its competitive games, the Disabled who may not need to work hard to play most of the native games in a fashionable winning approach.

The Cultural Games Association attract participants from around the regions in Ghana and we continue to strive to share the new developed games and sports with people we view as individuals or groups who share our ideas and vision for global sports transformation. We believe in initiating endeavours, embracing perseverance and pursuing for success.

CGA core values currently remains as provided in the following lists:
>Innovative and critical thinking Ethical behaviour.
>Progressive professional player practices.
>Traditional sports and games responsibility and integrity.
>Local communities’ engagement and responsibility.
>Multi-cultural programs and inclusion.
>Mutual respect and social responsibility.

Cultural Games Association

CGA Sports & Games


Ampe Sports (Ampe): Ampe is a traditional endurance sports. Ampe has two main divisions and these are:  Double Heart, and the Super-Double Heart. Double Heart competition: The competitors in this sports category are professionals determined to attain the Super-Double Heart status, and in this division two teams of two individuals from each side compete against each other.


Cultural Games Association (CGA) has great sports developments capability and the successful designed of the Pushboxing sport which will play a reasonable impact in the world of sports. Pushboxing requires immense pushing strength to bring a competitor’s both legs on the floor or push the opponent so hard that the person will fall on the floor of the Pushboxing arena. A person who competes in this sport is call a Pushboxer

Push Boxing sport


GH Skyball: The GH Skyball is similar in every playing skills and footballing disciplines to the Pele-Messi football. The only differentiation in both the football and Skyball is the goalposts. The Skyball has been created to have additional two nets in a long-designed goalpost as opposing to the preferred one net in somehow short goalpost.


Chaskele Sports starts with an enormously great force with a team of players called the Pitch Athletes who run 100m distance to find a hidden object. To play the Chaskele Sports professionally, the CGA coaches and trainers will provide teaching support to understand the other set of teams including their respective functions in the Chaskele Sports. These teams range from the Batranger, Shooter and the Midfielders.

chaskele sport game


The idea of creating sports where a male and female can compete against one another is interesting enough. This amazing traditional sport comes with a rope and ball fastens to the upper part of a pole. The pole is designed to stand firm in a heavy base on ground. The new Amanball has been developed to be played in a standard Amanball Court, and this is an area with dimensions where players are trained to know the rules on the ground. 


This Century old game is usually played with two or four competitors. Nte can also be played one-on-one depending on the circumstances. Before the introduction of the decorated board with holes set at the edges with the aim of playing it universally, the ancient preferred setup for all Nte game events was using a divided polythene bag and fastens it around a hollow item typically a very short container.


Catapult Game as it is originally called before its called, “Tyre” it requires a great high intensity of gauging to hit an object hang from 18m distance away. The Catapult Game is a specialist game with competitors requiring to start the tournament with five “crafted stones” Catapult is usually between two teams with each team consisting of two competitors.

CGA Initiatives


The National Inter-Schools Cultural Games (NISCG) is a national sports event created to provide High School Students in Ghana with the opportunity to compete in Ghana cultural games and achieve their excellence in traditional sports


Cultural Games Personality Awards (CGPA), initiated by CGA, spotlight exceptional cultural games performance, fostering global awareness, supporting industry professionals, and acknowledging excellence in various categories for sustained competitiveness and development.


The Ghana International Cultural Games Festival (GICGF) is the leading-edge cultural program for the sports events and tourism organizations. GICG brings Ghanaians in different communities together to take positive steps towards collective efforts to achieve unified goals that challenges gender discrimination, tribalism, religious abuse, etc.

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