Catapult Game as it is originally called before its called, “Tyre” it requires a great high intensity of gauging to hit an object hang from 18m distance away.

How Is The Catapult Game Played?

The Catapult Game is a specialist game with competitors requiring to start the tournament with five “crafted stones” Catapult is usually between two teams with each team consisting of two competitors. However, a team manager or coach on each side is required to maintain one player on the playing ground. Substituting a player is possible but this is only done where there are enough crafted stones to use against opponent.

How to Win The Catapult Game

Catapult Game requires a competitor to hit a designated target in the erected wood with the ‘crafted stones” to win a competition. The goal in this fascinating game is to hit a target with a “crafted stones* at Levels ranging from 1, 2 and 3.

A total of twenty “crafted stones’ are provided to each team but the players in competition start with five “crafted stones before giving additions ones especially where competitors are unable to use all the crafted stones’ to hit a target

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Cultural Games Association, Centre for National Culture, Arts Centre, Accra – Ghana

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Cultural Games Association, Centre for National Culture, Cultural Centre, Kumasi – Ghana